x360Recover Datasheet

One Solution From One Vendor for Better Margins and More Recurring Revenue

Axcient x360Recover is the most flexible and cost-effective business continuity and disaster recovery (BCDR) solution for MSPs and the SMBs they serve. Easy to manage, x360Recover boasts Chain-Free backups, AutoVerify, AirGap, and PSA/RMM integration. These technologies mean there is no chain management, data is checked for corruption after backup, backups are protected from ransomware and deletion, and ticketing and billing processes can be fully automated. All Axcient products are built by former MSPs, sold only to MSPs, and built to optimize MSP workflows and processes.

Critical capabilities of x360Recover include:

• Never reseed and no chains to break because your backup is chain-free
• AutoVerify ensures backups are always recoverable via boot and deep volume checks
• Flexible backup schedules as often as every 15 minutes
• Ransomware protection because AirGap protects your backups against attackers
• Near-instant virtualization locally and in the cloud
• Get pooled storage for a simple flat fee price per device or per server, and data pooling is permitted per our Fair Use Policy
• Backup public cloud VMs (Azure, AWS, GCS, etc.)
• Appliance-free option with Direct-to-Cloud
• Local cache to accelerate restores and virtualization, chain-free
• Self-management of cloud disaster recovery and virtualization with Virtual Office
• Automate ticketing and billing processes with PSA and RMM integration

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