Axcient Fair and Transparent Azure Egress

Customizable Microsoft Azure Egress Cost Calculator

Axcient, an Azure Alternative for Lower Fees

Axcient does not bundle inflated egress fees into your cost. We price x360Recover Direct-to-Cloud for Microsoft Azure at a flat fee and you pay only for what you use. Use this Microsoft Azure egress fees calculator to estimate your egress costs. Use our helpful calculator to estimate your usage with x360Recover Direct-to-Cloud.

What are egress costs?

Egress costs refer to the fees charged by cloud providers for data that is sent out (“egressed”) from their data centers to the internet or another network. This is in contrast to ingress costs, which are typically non-existent, as most cloud providers, including Azure, do not charge for incoming data (“ingressed”).

Egress fees can significantly affect cloud infrastructure budgets, especially for services with high outbound data transfer needs, such as streaming, gaming, and other bandwidth-intensive services. It’s critical to understand these costs since they can vary based on the amount of data, destination, and region from which it’s sent, impacting the overall cost of cloud operations and architectural decisions.

How do Azure egress costs work?

Azure egress costs refer to the charges incurred when data is transferred out of Azure data centers to the Internet or other regions. The first 100GB of data egress per month is free, which is a cost incentive for moderate users. Beyond the 100GB threshold, users are billed on a tiered basis, where the price per gigabyte decreases as data usage increases, reflecting a volume discount.

Transfers within the same Azure region are free, promoting the use of services within a single region. However, when data moves across regions, such as from North America to Europe, or from one continent to another, Azure imposes charges. Data transfer pricing is also influenced by the transfer method, with different rates for data egress via Microsoft’s premium global network versus a transit ISP network.

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